Saturday, April 09, 2005

rowing - the return

As of tuesday, I will be back out on the water again. it's been oh, about 5 years since i had anything to do with rowing. perhaps i've just needed that long to forget about the pain and mentan anguish. so now all i remember at the good things. i'll be coaching at the thunderbird rowing center, for this corporate challenege event. kind of a teambuilding thing for different companies. basically just a fun introduction to the sport for these office flunkies.

i'm really really excited about it. as much as i can be in the midst of final papers and exams. ugh. but it will be good to be outside, on the water and coaching - something i love to do. and it will be good to get out of the christian bubble i find myself in at school.

also thinking about running a half marathon at the end of june. guess i want to exercise my body as much i've been exercising my mind lately. can't wait to escape the library.

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