Thursday, June 26, 2008

summer daze

i can't say that i've been particularly motivated to blog lately. as you may have guessed. it's nice to be outside.

first summer youth group is tonight. which is a mark that i have been at this job for a year. weird. i spent the afternoon filling knee high stockings with a little cup of flour. it's a game from my own high school experience. time for a short period of mayhem whacking each other with these things and flour flying everywhere. harmless mayhem can be fun. provided you don't get any in your eyes, i suppose. weird that i do things like this for a living.

in a bit of a post-vacation funk. had a good time playing video games, hanging out in the pool, and consuming enormous burritos with my brothers. and the routine of work, even while filling stockings with flour, well, it ain't vacation.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

don't stop believing

i know, i know. you keep checking the blog (i look at my little site counter) and there's nothing new on it. i don't have a particularly good reason for not writing; life has been pretty all right. i'd say it has been as different as summer is from winter. it has done my heart good. i have felt connected in a way that i have missed for a long time; and even managed to get out and have fun.

this afternoon i am going on a mission trip with a bunch of jr. highers to san francisco. i am looking forward to serving people in the tenderloin district of the city. it will be cool to see kid's perspectives expanded. we're only roughly 25 minutes away from the city and it will feel like a world away. back on wednesday, then on friday i'm heading down to san diego to see the bro graduate. burritos aplenty!

to make up for my lack of posting, here is a little candy for you:

this is arnel pineda, the new lead singer for journey. they found him on youtube, singing cover songs with his band somwhere in the philippines. and darned if he isn't a darned vocal ringer for steve perry. it's making me love journey all over again.