Sunday, April 03, 2005

ay dios mio

Originally uploaded by audmo.
procrastinating. at word 2023 of a 3750 word paper. it's due on friday. so i think i'm hanging in there okay. of course, i have yet to come up with an overarching point to the paper so that could be a small problem later. but i won't think about it now.

instead, consider how SWEET i look with an afro. this was at our annual regent ball (or as i like to call it, the regent prom) they went zany this year with a "foolish formal" theme since it was on april 1st. rented out a 5-pin bowling alley, and had a major dance party. i felt like i was at summer camp, what with all the dancing, cross-dressing men, and nasty thrift store skit closet-esque clothing. i really think costumes need to be incorporated more into social events. i love it.

on other fronts, i am leaving behind my solitary existence in my 1 bedroom basement suite and will be moving into a community house with some friends on may 1st. yay for friends! and living above ground - i've got dibs on the attic loft space, kind of a greg brady bachelor pad thing going on, with less blacklight.

i've gotta buy myself an afro wig.

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