i feel sick. see, i've been surviving on a steady diet of junk food since i have come out of my studious stupor. i hadn't the time to grocery shop while i was working on my paper, so i guess i was eating badly then too. i've been somewhat lazy in getting back into my regular routine again. it's been much too nice to be a sloth.
not that i've been a complete sloth for the last week, that just applies in the area of academics. other than that, i've been doing the barrista thing (still trying to perfect the proper milk steaming method), catching up on the rest of my life and preparing for the upcoming school year. and for the last 2 days, i've helped a few friends move to new apartments. i feel that i have gotten a pretty good idea of how an ant feels now - the relentless routine of picking up heavy things in one place and carrying them to another place. but the plus side of the whole process is that your friends buy you food and drink as a great show of gratitude. this puts of the inevitable grocery shopping a little bit longer.
so right now, i'm full of cheeseburger, beer, and mini donuts. it tasted so good while i was eating it, but now i feel nasty. it's just your standard fare at nat bailey stadium, home of the vancouver canadians, the single-A minor league affiliate of the oakland a's (the a's rule!). it's been a mellow summer, social-wise, so i took matters into my own hands and organized an outing to the ball park. i miss not being able to go to a's games regularly. i have made the trek to see the mariners a few times - but they suck, basically. the game was a lot of fun, even though halfway through i was mostly paying attention to my friends, and the at-bat music. i always love to ask, "if you were a baseball player, what song would you choose to walk up to the plate?" it always sparks good conversation. my top choices:
1. the opening guitar riff of "let's get it on" by marvin gaye
2. top gun theme song - not highway to the danger zone, but the instrumental music when they were getting ready to launch of the deck
3. california love by tupac
4. the super mario bros. theme song - just to throw the opposing team off
by the way, if you're ever up in vancouver in the summer and take in a game, i highly recommend the mini donuts. they've got the little machine that fries up the donuts right before your eyes (similar donuts available @ pike's market in seattle). and you can't beat the prices here. gotta love minor league ball. there was also a rad fireworks show afterward - about 20 minutes or so - quite impressive for a single-A club. fun times!
of course, they sang both the american and canadian national anthems before the game (a girl that looked about 10 years old sang them, and she had a great voice - i'd love to be able to sing like her. instead, i have a blog site) and you know, the canadian theme song is quite nice. i'm betting most of you don't know much of the song beyond the first 2 lines, so here are the full lyrics for your personal enrichment:
O Canada!
Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all thy sons command.
With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
The True North strong and free!
From far and wide,
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
God keep our land glorious and free!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
it's a good thing i'm training for a half marathon. tomorrow i'm going to run off this blasted ball park food. though i may look into getting a mini donut frying machine. oh yeah, and the canadians beat the everett aquasox 3-1. (what the hell are aquasox?) I was hoping that they would take the field wearing those beach shoes that nike used to make. i guess they're just in the mold of the red sox or white sox, but aqua? that's just not cool.
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