by my count, i have spent approximately 50 hours over the past 5 days working on the et cetera, the student newspaper.
i have a better knowledge of fonts, spacing, and indesign software now. i also think that i have lost 30% of feeling in my right index finger from constant contact with my mac touchpad. perhaps i'm getting carpal tunnel syndrome also. meh, in the old days you had to worry about scurvy, now it's repetitive use injuries. at least, scurvy sounds cooler.
perversely, i am enjoying myself. i spent half an hour creating the stupid page headers alone, so they looked just so, and I LIKED IT, even though no one will give them a second look. what the hell? it's the journalism training in me, and where my creative spark catches on, or something. so this is good, even though i am losing sleep, and i feel like i'm going to throw up much of the time. i suppose those feelings will go away. i hope so, because i have my own school work to do. though that will be insomnia and nausea-inducing also, i'm sure. better to feel this way than nothing at all, i think.
i read some stuff that i wrote at my friends' arts night last friday. photos were displayed, a monologue spoken, music played, and i read. as i said that night, i'm used to writing stuff, not reading it out loud. and the way i feel when i read people what i write, it's like that dream where you're at school and you're naked. having them read it themselves is different, there's more space, and i can go hide. anyway, i just thought, what the hell and went for it. i was so tightly wound before hand, i'm surprised i didn't shatter like a wine glass when the soprano hits that high note. then something funny happened when i got up there in front ... i wasn't nervous anymore. and the laughter, which i was shooting for, came down so warmly and it felt so good that i wanted to wrap myself in it like a load of laundry fresh from the dryer.
all in all, not a bad way to start the school year. i'll sleep when i'm dead.
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