well, three years and many dollars (canadian!) later, i walked across a stage to loud applause. they handed me a few expensive pieces of paper and bestowed me with a shiny cloth to wear. ooh, a headcovering! it's biblical, you know.
though the culmination of my education was two nights ago, in the years to come i'll be mulling over my time at regent and what it did in me. i leave with few, if any, answers about God that i thought i'd get here, but am more comfortable with mystery. maybe a little more cynical, but definitely more thoughtful about my faith. my future is foggy, but i have a clearer sense of my vocation and plenty more confident to pursue it. certainly more broke and with more debt than when i first got here. i leave with more wonderful, interesting, and crazy friends and lots of memories. as to exactly how the many books i've read and papers i've written and relationships built have impacted me and continue to do so, that will take more time to figure out. that's life, i guess. further thoughts will be documented on the blog. because i'm a geek. a geek with a headcovering.