so today i was reflecting on apathy. trying to write an article concerning "the National Study of Youth and Religion recently coined a term to describe American young people's overall ethos regarding their faith: "A Benign Whateverism." " perhaps my haphazard thoughts here will help streamline my article proposal (and keep up on my lenten task!).
my basic thoughts are: a benign whateverism is a natural response to the millions of messages and demands that are put on kids today. with so slick pitches and ads, so much riding on their future success and happiness, it seems pretty easy to put faith on the back burner. still, like all of us, kids want something real, something to believe in, and under the front of apathy, they are paying attention.
apathy is challenging in how it turns a person inward, and the inability to feel anything. it's like trying to find a way through fog. how are we preaching the gospel? are we just another one of the talking heads on tv, another demand on kid's time? obviously, compared to Xboxes and Ipods, the church will lose that battle. what kind of gospel are we preaching? or, even better, living? God is about hope, community rest, and consistency (following a rhythm).
having trouble finishing sentences. must be tired. more tomorrow.
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