Monday, March 30, 2009

navel gazing

need a new hobby. better yet, a job!

i grow tired of my unstructured life. i try to enjoy it for this season, and i think i have made the most of it thus far. i worry that i have become too used to this speed of life and wonder if i will be able to shift up a few gears when it becomes necessary. i just feel self-absorbed and a bit anchor-less.

what i would really like to be doing is living generously. with my money, time, talents, etc. and i think i have been, as far as i am able to right now. one can always do more, i suppose. but the value of being generous has been on my mind for quite a while. while. i think that this season i have been made to accept other's generosity, be it sharing their home, buying me a cup of coffee or lunch, throwing an odd job my way or going for walk & conversation. for these things, i am able to say that i feel blessed.

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